Friday, February 10, 2012

No Real Estate Rebound Until 2013?  Does it matter for investing?

by Fortune Builders

Some are now predicting no real estate rebound until 2013. Could this be true and even if it is does it matter to real estate investors?
First it was 2011 that was supposed to be the year of the great real estate rebound in the US. Then as it got later in the year some began changing their predictions to a rebound in 2012. Now, before we are even there others have come out forecasting that the housing market won’t recover until 2013. So what’s the real deal and how does this affect real estate investing?
For a start these latest predictions completely ignore the markets which are already on the up and which are seeing gains in both home values and sales volume. In fact many markets are seeing very stable figures and returns to acceptable inventory levels, while some are even breaking records.
Is it true that some cities continue to struggle? Absolutely. Some may even see home prices slide a little further. However, all real estate is local. There isn’t a switch to flip or we won’t wake up one morning and the whole country won’t be automatically fixed but progress is being made and real estate investing flourishes all over the country.
There are so many dynamics that affect real estate sales that no one can 100% guarantee where prices will be in 6 months from now or 5 years from now, though for now all signs are positive that we are entering another growth period.
Still, speculative real estate investing should be a thing of the past anyway. Wise investors should be making their money when they buy and shouldn’t have to gamble on the market’s ups and downs, at least not with more than they are willing to lose.
It doesn’t matter where you live or which are you are most interested in investing in, there are real estate investing deals to be found. With the right real estate education and the right strategy it doesn’t matter where the market is headed, there are benefits of investing either way.
Those focused on flipping houses who buy low don’t need to hold properties at all and really don’t have to take on any risk associated with holding or just ‘hoping’ for buyers. While those concentrating their real estate investing on buying and holding shouldn’t have anything to lose either. Providing your properties are cash flowing you can wait out any fluctuations and sell when you are ready, if you ever want to.
not for buying hold or flipping

 go to Fortune Builders

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