Thursday, February 16, 2012

6 Reasons to get into Real Estate Investing.

by Fortune Builders

Perhaps you have caught a glimpse of a few reality TV shows about flipping houses and have wondered if it is for you. It is true that there can be great money to be made form real estate investing but there are actually many reasons to get it. Here are just a few of them…
1. Bigger Paychecks
For most of America there are few businesses to get into that can produce the big paydays that real estate investing can. Even doctor’s salaries pale in comparison to what many investors make. Whether you already have a job and you hate it or it just isn’t ever going to give you the paycheck you crave or you are currently unemployed real estate investing may be just what you have been looking for.
2. Passive Income
If you want to retire comfortably, early or even retire at a reasonable age at all anymore you are going to need more than a couple hundred thousand in the bank. You are going to need an income to live on. By building a portfolio of rental properties which produce passive income every month you can retire early and enjoy life now.
3. Create Real Wealth
Making a lot of money isn’t the same as building real wealth. Rappers can make a lot of money, CEOs of corporations make fat paychecks and many sales people see big paydays. You can even win a few million playing the lottery but building real wealth that will last generations turning your family into ‘old money’ and enabling your future great grandchildren to really pursue their passions is one of the best things about real estate investing.
4. Helping Others
One of the greatest things about real estate investing isn’t about money at all. It is being able to help others. You can help homeowners get out of debt, buyers to put a roof over their family’s heads, young families to give their children the benefits of home ownership and even help others support themselves and enjoy a great lifestyle through real estate investing.
5. Freedom
Real estate investing not only delivers great paychecks but can also allow you to do it in far fewer hours a week than any 9-5. It can take work and effort to get started but with the right real estate investing system you can build a great business that gives you time to enjoy your other passions too.
6. It’s Fun
There are lots of things you can do to make money but investing in real estate and flipping houses is fun and rewarding too. From remodeling houses, to meeting new people, visiting amazing properties and the thrill of the deal you will find yourself easily hooked.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3 Steps to Maximizing Leads and ROI for Real Estate Investors

by Fortune Builders

It doesn’t always take money to make money, especially when it comes to real estate investing. The following 3 easy steps can boost your lead generation and rocket the ROI of your real estate investing business without having to open your wallet…
1. Respond to Inquires
Are you responding to prospects as quickly as you could be? It is truly a mystery why some real estate investing companies and agents bother to run ads or send out mail campaigns when they don’t bother to pick up the phone when people call. That is just a waste of time and money. How hard is it to at least pick up and tell someone you will call them back, direct phones to a $5 an hour virtual assistant to take down their information or simply set up auto reply messages for your email? Just by answering or replying before the competition you can dramatically increase your profits and deal volume. Don’t launch any new campaigns or do any more networking until you have responded to all your backed up leads and have committed to staying on top of them.
2. Make Every Client Count
Have you been frustrated by the antics of a store clerk or waiter in the last month? How did that make you feel about that brand and spending money there in the future? Ever been blown away by great customer service? Wouldn’t you prefer to spend your money there, even if the same product cost more because you felt valued and were treated right?
Don’t you think your prospects think and feel the same way when dealing with real estate investing companies and Realtors? You may be busy, they may not be educated on the home buying or selling process, they may not be dressed up and may not even be a good fit for your business right now but you may never have the chance to earn their business if you don’t take a few seconds to provide decent customer service.
3. Referrals are Cheaper
Recognize that referrals and repeat business is far cheaper than having to market for new prospects. The better you treat people the more referral business you will get. If it costs $300 to generate a new buyer or seller but just 15 minutes of your time to wow those you are working with now, resulting in a dozen referrals over the next couple of years, which provides the best ROI? It is true that they may not always be served up on a silver platter so remember to ask for the business and now you can market through your client’s social networks to tell their friends and contacts about your real estate investing business easily too.

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Essential Reading for Real Estate Investors: Retirement Planning

by Fortune Builders

It’s true that you might not live until retirement age but what if you do? Are you prepared and do you really want to keep working that long anyway?
Talking about retirement planning may not be the sexiest part of your day but it is absolutely essential to keep in mind. Many get into real estate investing for the promise of fast, easy money and the lure of being able to effectively retire from the rat race early, only to get caught up in the day to day. Without planning and systems real estate investing can actually become more time consuming than your old 9-5 and a 100 hour work week is all of a sudden part time. Or with such easy money and huge checks coming in from flipping houses it can be tempting to get caught up in the high flying lifestyle and just expect the cash to keep flowing through the door. What happens when it doesn’t? What happens when you lose your legs or want to take off for a 6 month backpacking trip in the Congo?
Some of those who have been real estate investing for a while and have been socking some money away may think they have it covered. Though how far is $100,000 going to get you if you income ever stopped coming in or you took a break from flipping houses? When you actually start looking at your obligations and how much you will need to get you through 20-30 years of retirement even a million dollars is nothing. Most will need far in excess of $10 million dollars in order to retire in the style they are accustomed to.
If you are behind on saving for retirement real estate investing is a great vehicle, especially for those who reinvest in it through a self-directed IRA for tax benefits. Flipping houses is a great way to make some quick cash and get ahead while fattening up your nest egg but do not overlook the need to put that money back to work for you to create passive income streams and create systems which you can put on autopilot.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Will Flipping Houses Still Work Foreclosures Run Dry?

by Fortune Builders

Those who have jumped into real estate investing in the last 6 years have been spoilt with endless foreclosures and other distressed properties for flipping houses. What happens as the massive glut of foreclosures dissipates, will these same strategies really work?
Flipping houses has been incredibly profitable for investors over the last few years. Outrageous discounts and extremely motivated sellers have provided investors virtually unlimited access to endless real estate deals. In fact there are more viable deals available right now than any investor can handle. By improving on their real estate education and building better businesses and systems investors can certainly do a higher volume of deals than ever done before.
However, some markets across the country are already seeing a shortage in inventory. In fact a handful of markets are not just back on track they have even less inventory than we would expect to see in a normal market, while reasonably priced homes continue to fly off the shelves as fast as they are listed. So what happens when the majority of foreclosures have been worked through, when the competition for the few foreclosures that do come on the market is incredibly fierce, when banks sell the rest of their REOs in bulk packages and homeowners decide it makes more sense to stay and fight to stay in their homes than to sell? For a start home prices will stabilize and rise but the question is will flipping houses will work?
New investors who weren’t in the business during the recent bubble years should know that this is when flipping houses really exploded, in a good way. People weren’t being foreclosed on like crazy and there certainly weren’t the endless array of discounted homes as there are today, not to mention mortgage rates were double or triple what they are being advertised at today.
Remember there are two major components to flipping houses for big profits, inventory and buyers. In an up market with fewer foreclosures to weigh down home prices there are certainly more willing buyers. As things get better confidence will grow and lenders will loosen up slightly as well, creating more able buyers.
This enabled investors to consistently buy and flip homes for tens of thousands of dollars more within just days of buying homes, even out of the MLS. Just don’t make the same mistakes which crippled many investors in the last boom. Don’t get stuck with them and don’t overload on debt and fall into the ‘I only need cash flow’ trap. Instead build on your real estate education now and embrace advanced investment model.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yellow Star Properties: No Real Estate Rebound Until 2013?  Does it matter...

Yellow Star Properties: No Real Estate Rebound Until 2013? Does it matter...: No Real Estate Rebound Until 2013? Does it matter for investing? by Fortune Builders Some are now predicting no real estate rebound unt...
The Dangers of Offering Properties as Rent to Own

by Fortune Builders

Rent-to-own programs often offer amazing deals for those who want to buy a home but just can’t qualify for a conventional home loan right now but are they a good move for owners and investors?
If you have talked to any number of real estate agents about properties you own at least one or two has probably suggested that you offer your properties on a rent to own basis. This of course makes it easy for them move your property and make a commission but is it a smart move? Other investors are doing it and many swear that it is the best way to move real estate investing deals faster in this market but are there dangers no one is talking about?
Running rent-to-own programs can be a very attractive option for real estate investing companies. It certainly drives in plenty of inquiries and new leads. It can be a fast way to get your properties occupied and put in tenants who will theoretically take on more financial and maintenance responsibilities which can increase profit margins. However, there are disadvantages.
For a start it means locking into long term agreements. Often it means committing to lower prices than you could get later and reducing your exit options. Poor quality tenants can also be an issue that cause real estate investing companies big issues down the road. After all there is a reason why these renters don’t qualify for home loans right now.
You also have to ask how solid this real is as a real estate investing exit strategy. Are you really being realistic about how much down payment to ask for? Many of those new to real estate investing see others asking for 20% down or other large figures and think that they can too. Remember that just because another real estate investing company is advertising something, it doesn’t always make it a good idea or mean that it is working for them. If these prospective tenants had that kind of money, don’t you think that is most cases their credit would be good enough to get a mortgage too? Plus you need to know your state laws regarding equity. This could give your prospects and equitable position in your property, technically making them part owners right away, making it excruciatingly painful to evict them even if they don’t hold up their end of the deal. With great cash flow is it better to hold for a couple years then sell while retaining max flexibility?
There are many benefits of rent-to-own for buyers and real estate investing companies alike but make sure you know all of the pros and cons.

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