Tuesday, January 31, 2012

5 Reasons why your Rental Ads are Failing

by Fortune Builders

There is a lot of competition out there amongst real estate investing companies who are all fighting over tenants but the following 5 fatal flaws could be causing prospective renters to automatically pass over your ads…
1. You Look Like an Agent
Just as many of those in the real estate investing business don’t like working with real estate agents, neither do renters, especially if their credit isn’t perfect. You may find all kinds of tools for creating neat looking ads but carefully weigh the benefits of visuals versus effectiveness. Sometimes feeding your own ego is exactly the opposite of what is needed to get results.
2. Your Photos Stink
Many renters won’t even look at ads without pics. However, this doesn’t mean putting up terrible pictures is OK. How much cash flow is this property going to put in your pocket over the next 5 years? Isn’t it worth making sure you have at least half a dozen decent photos? Make sure the toilets are flushed, trash isn’t over flowing and sorry, no one wants to see you standing in their home, unless you really are a super model.

3. Ease of Contact

The easier it is for prospects to contact your real estate investing company the more likely they will. Phone and emails are a must and social links can be a great way to allow people to learn more about you and enter your funnel even if you don’t have a property which is a perfect match for them right now.
4. Too Strict
While narrowing down the number calls you get can certainly help you to maximize your time it can also mean alienating some of the best tenants and missing out on adding hundreds of additional prospects to your lists. You don’t have to advertise application fees and tough screening measures in your ads, even if you do require them.
5. Too Much Money Upfront
This is especially true when your real estate investing business is promoting rent to own deals. It is OK to leave some mystery. Focus on generating the the most leads.

go to Fortune Builders

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