Tuesday, January 24, 2012

7 Ways to Rent Faster & for More Money in 7 Days

Slash your time to rent and rent for more with these quick fixes…
1. Accept Credit Cards
Start accepting credit cards and online payments for rent and move in costs. It will boost your profits by reducing fraud, making it easier for tenants to pay on time and reduce management time. Of course it will make your properties more attractive and mean tenants can move in faster.
2. No Credit Checks!
Of course this can be dangerous but if all you are getting is tenants applying with weak credit anyway and you can offset the risk then why not? You can still rely on references and do background checks online. Plus you can ask for more rent in advance. Depending on your state laws more deposit money may not help because you can’t spend it but advance rent you can. Often tenants are willing to pay 6 months rent in advance for no credit checks.
3. Staging
Staging can do miracles for the appeal of your rental properties. You can then move your items to the next property or if it makes financial sense offer a furnished option for more. Think appliances, furniture, electronics and even kitchenware.
4. Offer Security
On of the biggest fears of prospective tenants, especially if you are offering any form of owner financing or lease option is if the landlord is financially stable. They don’t want to hand over thousands only to lose it and be back on the street. Make it clear in your ads that you are ‘not in foreclosure’.
5. Rent-to-Own
Offer a rent-to-own option. Just be realistic about how much rent you need for it to be viable and how much down payment you can really expect.
6. Keyless Entry Locks
Keyless entry locks not only give your curb appeal a boost but can also make it a lot easier to enable showings, especially from mobile enquiries, increasing the chances your home gets rented first.
7. Reduce Response Times
Realtors are notoriously bad at returning emails and calls. Claim the business by being the first to respond to rental inquiries.

go to Fortune Builders

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