Friday, January 27, 2012

Does Creative Real Estate Investing Make You A Criminal?

by Fortune Builders

Can you be creative in putting your deals together without being considered a criminal or is it all a step closer to a new 6’ x 8’ residence with cold floors and bars on the windows?
‘Creative real estate investing’ has almost become a four letter word in many people’s eyes. You can’t blame sellers, lenders, agents and law enforcement from raising an eyebrow when they see the term in the after math of the recent meltdown but this doesn’t mean that being creative is always illegal and it shouldn’t stop you from pushing yourself to reach your full potential through real estate investing.
Of course you should absolutely make sure that you are on the right side of the law. There is far too much heat out there right now and the penalties far too severe for anyone to risk their freedom by committing any type of real estate fraud. You should be getting into real estate investing to increase the amount of freedom you have and improve your finances not gamble them away.
Flipping houses today can require creativity. Creativity and resourcefulness in digging up the gold in great deals, putting together winning marketing campaigns, building networks and attracting buyers to your homes. However, this doesn’t mean you need to resort to anything which will land you in trouble.
Laws and regulations have changed a lot in the last few years but as with breaking any other law, just saying that you didn’t know won’t get you off. It is your responsibility to keep up your real estate education. While many real estate education courses and programs written before the bubble may have been founded on good principals and tactics which worked at the time many, many of them will land you in seriously hot water today.
So by all means let your imagination fuel your real estate investing but make sure you are also investing in continuing education or coaching to stay on top of changes, stay out of trouble and tap into the latest trends.

go to fortune builers

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